Chips JU Information Day Italy 2025
The first pillar of the European Chips Act, entered into force in 2023, is the Chips for Europe Initiative, aiming at reinforcing the Europe's technological leadership and at bridging the gap between research and innovation and industrial activities. The new Chips JU is the main tool of this pillar, covering on one side the top-down initiatives, including activities like Pilot Lines, Competence Centres, the European Design Platform and Quantum Chios, and, on the other side, the ECS R&I yearly open calls for projects, based on the Strategic Research Agenda, and cofunded by Member States.
AEIT in partnership with the Chips Mirror Group Italy, organizes the Information Day event in Rome on April 1st, hosted by Confindustria, to present the Chips-JU Call 2025, its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and the national approach to the Chips Act in Italy, with the participation of Chips-JU and Italian Public Authorities officers.
Participation in the event will offer opportunity for networking and direct contact with the funding authorities. It will be possible also to follow the presentations online. Participation is for free, yet registration will be required for logistic and security reasons. Stay tuned on the website:
Preliminary program:
• Chips JU as a part of the European Chips Act
• The 2025 calls of Chips JU
• Results of the 2024 Chips JU calls
• Italian funding for the Chips JU 2025 calls
• Fondazione Chips.IT and other Italian initiatives towards the European Chips Act