
Chips JU

This page lists the public procurement procedures of a value of 15,000 EUR or more that the Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) is launching or has launched. If you are potential supplier or contractor, click on the specific procedures to see how to engage.

For general information concerning purchases by the Chips JU, please refer to our document:

Ongoing Procedures

Submission deadline Mar
Inter-Institutional Open Procedure by CBE JU: Thematic Communication Services Publication 24/01/2025 Deadline for Submission CBE JU and other JUs engage in information and communication activities by applying mutatis mutandis Article 51 of the Horizon Europe Regulation. The resulting communication materials and campaigns are disseminated through the JU’s online communication channels (website, social media and newsletter) and events and exhibitions. Their objectives are mainly to promote funding opportunities, JU-funded project achievements and the partnerships’ contribution to Europe’s green growth. The materials target a large spectrum of each JU’s stakeholder community, ranging from decision-makers at the EU, national and regional levels to industry representatives, researchers, suppliers, civil society representatives and consumers. Considering the limited staff resources of JUs, the complexity of the communication tasks, and their resource intensity, the Authorising Officers of all Joint Undertakings are invited to consider launching an inter-institutional procurement procedure for the provision of various thematic communication activities. The following thematic communication services are to be provided to each Joint Undertaking: Management and coordination of thematic communication activities, such as but not exclusively, social media, web, editing, graphic design, events, and media relations. Content creation for physical and digital supports in English. Content proofreading and editing in English. Graphic design and video creation and edition. Events and exhibitions organisation. Engaging with media. Public relations management. Logistical communications support. These services are to be provided either extra-muros or intra-muros, depending on the needs of each JU. View

Closed Procedures

Submission deadline Dec
Inter-Institutional Open Procedure by Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking - Communication Services Publication 10/12/2024 Deadline for declaration of interest Communication services: The CAJU in cooperation with 8 other Joint Undertakings is going to publish a new tender procedure for a broad scope in communication services covering years 2026-2030. Any interested economic operator willing to be part of the market research analysis ran by the Leading Contract Authority is invited to respond to the EU surveys within the deadline indicated in the surveys below. View
Submission deadline Jan
Inter-Institutional open procedure by SESAR JU - Provision of event organisation services Publication 05/12/2024 Deadline for Submission The services to be covered under the framework contract aim at supporting the JUs with the preparation, organisation and execution of events (both in-person and virtual). Events may include conferences, workshops, seminars, site visits, press briefings, demonstrations, exhibitions and virtual events such as webinars and live studio events. View
Submission deadline Sep
Ex-Ante Publicity for low value procedure: Assessment services for the recruitment of Heads of Unit (CHIPS-JU-NP-2024-000007) Publication 23/09/2024 Deadline for declaration of interest The Chips Joint Undertaking is looking for an operator who can provide the services of assessing candidates for the posts of heads of unit. The assessment should be performed in accordance with the requirements of the European institutions. Download
Submission deadline May
Open Procedure: Organization in Belgium of the EFECS 2024 (CHIPS/2024/OP/0001) Publication 24/04/2024 Deadline for Submission The Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) is organising the EFECS 2024 in Belgium on 5 and 6 December 2024. Demonstrate the added value of the Chips JU programme in addressing societal and industrial challenges and needs, both technologically and economically and create a strong identification with the Chips JU programme and strengthen the cohesion of the ECS community, increasing the visibility and strengthening the credibility of the Chips JU as the leading European strategic initiative. View
Submission deadline Apr
Ex-Ante Publicity for inter-institutional middle value procedure by Chips JU: Services of an architect for the assessment of the refurbishment / reorganisation of the JU’s offices (CHIPS JU-NP-2024-000006) Publication 10/04/2024 Deadline for declaration of interest The Chips JU; together with Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking, Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking and Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, are looking for the services of an architect for the planning and assessment of the reorganization and/or refurbishment of their offices. This procurement follows the cancellation of the Procurement CHIPS JU-NP-2024-000003 due to a lack of tenders received and maintains the same budget and specifications. Download
Submission deadline May
Ex-Ante Publicity for inter-institutional middle value procedure by EU Rail JU: EU Data protection online central register services. (EU-RAIL-NP-24-01-DP register) Publication 02/04/2024 Deadline for declaration of interest The Joint Undertakings, to comply to their obligations under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, are looking for the provision of a tool to serve the purpose of central on-line register of records of activities processing personal data (the “on-line register”) that should be adapted to the needs of the Joint Undertakings and be publicly accessible. View
Submission deadline Mar
Ex-Ante Publicity for middle value procedure: Developing Solutions on the Microsoft Power Platform (CHIPS JU-NP-2024-000005) Publication 08/03/2024 Deadline for declaration of interest Chips Joint Undertaking is launching a procurement for the creation of solutions leveraging the Microsoft Power Platform, focusing on Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Power Pages, and Power Virtual Agents. Download
Submission deadline Apr
Inter-Institutional open procedure by SESAR JU: Legal and operational support to Data Protection activities (S3JU/2024/OP/0002) Publication 07/03/2024 Deadline for Submission SESAR JU, together with Nine other JU’s, is looking to procure for the operational and legal services to assist the JU in the field of data protection. View
Submission deadline Mar
(CANCELLED) Ex-Ante Publicity for inter-institutional middle value procedure: Services of an architect for the assessment of the refurbishment / reorganisation of the JU’s offices (CHIPS JU-NP-2024-000003) Publication 07/03/2024 Deadline for declaration of interest The Chips JU; together with Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking, Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking and Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, are looking for the services of an architect for the planning and assessment of the reorganization and/or refurbishment of their offices. Download
Submission deadline Mar
Ex-Ante Publicity for low value procedure: Provision of IT Hardware (CHIPS-JU-NP-2024-000004) Publication 06/03/2024 Deadline for declaration of interest The Chips JU is seeking a provider for the one-time provision of IT hardware, a mix of laptops and accessories (keyboards, headsets, earbuds, dock stations, etc.). Download
Submission deadline Mar
Ex-Ante Publicity for low value procedure: Plants leasing and maintenance (CHIPS-JU-NP-2024-000002) Publication 26/02/2024 Deadline for declaration of interest The object of this procurement to obtain the services of a provider for the lease and maintenance of plants for the Chips JU office spaces. Download
Submission deadline Feb
Ex-Ante Publicity for low value procedure: Provision of User Support and Web/Application development (CHIPS JU-NP-2024-000001) Publication 26/01/2024 Deadline for declaration of interest The Chips JU is searching for a provider of user support and troubleshooting and management/development of our website and other applications and platforms for our core business using PowerApps. Download
Submission deadline May
Open procedure: Organisation of the First Chips Joint Undertaking Symposium Event Publication 26/04/2023 Deadline for Submission KDT JU is looking for a full-service contractor to manage the organisation of the first Chips JU Symposium event in Belgium on 22 & 23 November 2023.