FAMES Pilot Line Open Call
The FAMES Pilot Line provides chipmakers, startups, fabless companies and academics with a pathway to high-performance, low-power chips.
Find out how to access, explore and train on advanced FD-SOI technologies, embedded non-volatile memories, 3D integration, RF components, and power management integrated circuit solutions.
The wide array of FAMES technologies, training, PDKs, process steps and modules and more, is available through Open Calls and Spontaneous User Requests. Discover the FAMES Pilot Line and the wide range of semiconductor markets advanced FD-SOI technologies will serve. Create new growth opportunities for your organization and reinforce Europe’s industrial leadership.
This event is open to semiconductor stakeholders from industry, research, and academia.
- If you work in the industry: We are expecting representatives from materials and equipment suppliers, OEMs, foundries, fabless companies, IDM process technologists, EDA vendors, PDK end-users, and more. Whether you are in R&D, HR, or skills development, this event is for you.
If you are in research or academia: Microelectronics and semiconductor engineers, researchers, and scientists from research and technology organizations, R&D centers, and universities in Europe and worldwide are invited to attend.
- Welcome and Introduction by Dominique Noguet, FAMES Project Coordinator
- Technical Insights by various FAMES Partners
- Accessing the Pilot Line technologies by Susana Bonnetier, FAMES Pilot Line Open Access Chairperson