Chips JU received 59 proposals for funding

The Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) Calls invited project proposals across six topics, with a maximum EU expenditure of 216.00M€. These calls aim to reinforce industrial competitiveness, stimulate industrial innovation and transfer of innovation from research to industry. Additionally, the Joint Call with South Korea (KR) is expected to strengthen the relation between the research and innovation players in both jurisdictions and foster cooperation in pre-competitive projects aligned with mutual interests.

The Chips Joint Undertaking (Chips JU) Calls invited project proposals across six topics, with a maximum EU expenditure of 216.00M€. These calls aim to reinforce industrial competitiveness, stimulate industrial innovation and transfer of innovation from research to industry. Additionally, the Joint Call with South Korea (KR) is expected to strengthen the relation between the research and innovation players in both jurisdictions and foster cooperation in pre-competitive projects aligned with mutual interests.

In total, 59 proposals were submitted to the three calls:

  • HORIZON-JU-Chips-2024-1-IA : 17 proposals

  • HORIZON-JU-Chips-2024-2-RIA: 27 proposals

  • HORIZON-JU-Chips-2024-3-RIA (Joint Call with Korea): 15 proposals

Eligible proposals will be evaluated by independent experts from all over Europe selected from the Horizon Europe expert database. For the two-stage calls (HORIZON-JU-Chips-2024-1-IA and HORIZON-JU-Chips-2024-2-RIA) , only the successful proposals passing the Project Outline stage will be invited to submit the Full Project Proposal (FPP). The submission deadline for the FPP is 17 September 2024.

Following the evaluation, the selected proposals for funding by the Chips JU PAB, will be invited for grant preparation, in order to prepare the Grant Agreement that will set the framework for the grant and its terms and conditions. Projects are expected to start around May 2025.

For the Joint Call with Korea, the eligible proposals will be evaluated by an expert group composed of EU and KR experts. The selection of the proposals to be attributed funding is then done using the ranked list: best proposals get funding, until funding of one of the funding authorities (Chips JU or National Research Foundation (NRF) of the Republic of Korea) is exhausted.